Welcome To The World Of Astronomy

Welcome! Thanks for visiting my site. You may be here because you were curious in finding out about Astronomy and what it involves. On the other hand you could be here because you are serious about getting into Astronomy and want to know all the basics so that that you can go out at night and observe the Universe for yourself. Well both parties are catered for here. I hope to offer the beginner a ‘starters knowledge’ of the night sky. This includes a knowledge of the constellations and how to find them and at what time of the year, an introduction to the Planets and the Asteroid Belt. There are also reviews of equipment, telescopes etc and sky guides.

For the curious amongst you there are articles on all aspects of the Solar System from the aforementioned constellations and Planets to the history of Astronomy and some of the notable scientists who changed our view on how we see the Universe.

Whichever group you fall into I hope that my site interests you enough to leave your comments in the comments section below each article.

One last thing, if you are a curious visitor I hope what you read here will whet your appetite for Astronomy and become an amateur astronomer yourself. You will find that it rewarding and you will make many new friends on the way.

Clear Skies


M31 Andromeda Galaxy

M31 Andromeda Galaxy

M45 The Pleiades or Seven Sisters

M45 The Pleiades or Seven Sisters

M42 Orion's Nebula or Sword of Orion.

M42 Orion’s Nebula or Sword of Orion.